Friday, July 3, 2009

Martha's Vineyard

I apologize for the lack of posts but just know I gained about 10 lbs of photos taken in the past month and a half (my eating habits have gotten out of control!). It all started on a Memorial Day Weekend trip to Martha's Vineyard. My friend, Philipp, invited several of our friends for a gastronomical tour at his house. Our grocery bill came out to around $650 for 4 days of [really good] eating. The thing about having foodies for friends is that everyone wants to be in the kitchen. Since it was not my kitchen, I had to learn how to share and cater to the way other people cook and prepare their meals. It was a learning experience and in the end, it's just eating nice meals with best friends, right? I am not going to post every single meal or snack (as there was breakfast/brunch/lunch/snack/dinner served every day) but here is an example of how amazing this weekend went.

On Saturday, we feasted on lobster... dipped in lots and lots of butter. Caleb also made amazing cheddar biscuits, Saela made a salad- for which I made a raspberry vinaigrette (which I find amusing since I never liked raspberry vinaigrette dressing), and a potato salad was somewhere in there too.

Another thing I learned... my friends are fancy. Our table settings looked like they came straight out of a Martha Stewart magazine. (I added the pinecones)

Phil pours Prosecco and Fuse juice

Now, when we went out to the grocery store, everyone had ideas on what to get for meals, but it was never just "pasta with some sauce"... it turned into "pasta, with sundried tomatoes, goat cheese, roasted garlic and asparagus". A "salad" meant "baby spinach, arugula, walnuts, feta, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and apple slices"... "corn on the cob" was "mexican corn... mayo, lime juice, parmesan cheese, chili powder, red pepper flakes and cumin" I am not complaining, but what a difference from this past weekend!
Tom and I went to Jason's beach house on LBI, we picked up a package of hot dogs/buns, corn on the cob, peppers, potatoes, a bag of cheetos and sour patch kids. Again, not complaining; we had a lovely barbeque.

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