Thursday, November 6, 2008

Holy Jalapenos!

I found a new addiction. Kashi's Autumn Shredded Wheat Cereal in milk. It's lightly sweetened, and it absorbs the milk beautifully. I added sliced bananas to it this morning.

Of course, I ruined a healthy breakfast by indulging at lunch. I had to make returns with Will L., a guy I PAed with on the film shoot I was on the past few days. After the last return in Long Island City, we stopped in The Creek because we were starving. It's not a place I would ever try as it is right by the entrance of the Pulaski Bridge. Luckily he is the adventurous type.

He ordered a tofu burrito, and I? a Veracruz burger. For whatever reason, I thought it was just cheese, red onion, lettuce and tomato and a special sauce, but when it arrived, I saw it was decked out in jalapeno pepper slices. How did I miss that on the menu?? I was skeptical at first, but it was actually a really great addition to the burger. I downed it with a bottle of Gus' Dry Cranberry Lime (GUS stands for Grown Up Soda) The Creek also serves complimentary tortilla chips with salsa. Yummy. If you ever find yourself hungry on your way in or out of Greenpoint, try this place out... but maybe you should take the subway because parking is a bitch in that area.

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